Mary Lopez Carter selects the most popular products based upon customer desired outcome and effectiveness. The result is a group of products which people appreciate for overall benefits to their wellness routine. Plus, Carolina Hemp Hut consultants have researched hemp sleep aids and CBD products for relaxation to help you.
Normal sleep patterns are elusive – especially as we age. Sleep is affected directly and indirectly by stress, hormones released by your body and other aspects of your daily life and health.
Improving sleep can be as simple as adjusting the hours when you spend time using your devices such as smartphones and LED televisions. It can also be very difficult to attain when your body is already in a static state of stress and anxiety.
Cortisol, a naturally produced hormone in the human body, is a significant factor in the sleep-wake cycle. Also, melatonin is another significant player in the sleep cycle.
Researchers have tested CBD (cannabidiol) in multiple studies involving sleep.
One 2013 study with live rats involved dosing the test animals with various strengths of Cannabidiol while measuring the animals’ sleep-wake cycles.
In the studies, it was discovered that there appeared to be a correlation between higher doses of CBD and improved sleep measurements.
Cannabis has over 100 compounds that have shown likely benefits to the health of humans. If we further understand these compounds and their benefits, we’ll be better prepared to provide more health options more affordably.
Earlier studies suggested that CBD alone was a wake cycle modulator – helping to provide more alertness during daylight hours. This linked well to studies revealing that THC helps modulate the sleep cycle better.
Since Cortisol production decreases the likelihood of restful sleep, anything that would better modulate the cortisol levels would introduce better sleep outcomes.
Duration of sleep is increased when Cannabidiol is used. In a topically related study, it was found that sizeable CBD doses of 300mg to 600mg related significantly to reduced Cortisol levels. When these two components are combined, it may be suggested that there is a relationship between CBD reducing Cortisol and reducing stress levels while improving the sleep-wake cycle.
More studies are anticipated for the direct relationship of CBD to improved sleep as well as the impact of other cannabinoids on the sleep-wake cycle.
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We are NOT a multi-level marketing company like Prime My Body and HempWorx. We strive to maintain the LOWEST prices for CBD, Delta 8, Delta 9, Delta 10, and other cannabinoids available to our customers.
The products sold at Carolina Hemp Hut have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are not staffed by doctors; we cannot recommend products to “cure” anything. Please talk to your medical professional before starting a new supplements.
You Must be 21+ to purchase cannabis products.
Carolina Hemp Hut is not responsible for knowing whether this product is legal in your State or territory and you assume full responsibility for all parts pertaining to your purchase.
THCA disclaimer: “It is illegal to sell and receive THCA products in Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont.”
Full applicable Laws for CBD, Delta-8, THC, Kratom and Amanita Muscaria here.
Carolina Hemp hut makes no guarantees, representations, and/or warranties that Delta 8 THC products are legal in your state, territory, county or local jurisdiction. Delta 8 THC products may not be sold or purchased in the following jurisdictions: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and Utah.
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