Natural Health

Natural Health smoothies

I’m sure you’ve heard the old definition of insanity often attributed to Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

The real definition of insanity is “the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.”

This is really boiled down to “Madness” when you consider what insanity really is. Is it madness to keep doing the same things for your health and expect your body to suddenly become “healthier”?

Most people don’t change their health practices at all unless they have a life changing event. A life changing event could be the death of a loved one from some health concern, it could be a dire diagnosis of Cardiovascular disease or Cancer, or it could be a warning of pre-diabetes. It’s still shocking that many people don’t make any changes to their lives EVEN WHEN they get news of some health issue that NEEDS ATTENTION.

Too many of us abdicate or give up our responsibility for self-care. We trust a doctor to give us a pill that will “cure”.

Think about yourself right now, have you accepted the word from a trusted medical authority and received a dire prognosis and a prescription? Then visited the pharmacy and got the prescription filled, went home, and started following the prescription without doing ANYTHING ELSE to adjust your health or your life.

Einstein Definition of Insanity
Doctors ARE trusted authorities and you should take advice from them. But, doctors don’t necessarily cover the spectrum of health solutions. There’s an old adage which goes “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” What happens when you give a doctor another tool other than a hammer?

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to investigate what health concerns we face most and what things can be done for each without the use of prescriptions and surgeries. This won’t be in any way an insult to the medical profession.

Instead, it’s more of a life instruction. Natural Health really starts with YOU making your OWN decisions about YOUR LIFE.

I’m not a trained medical professional. Other than being the son of a doctor and the former husband of a doctor, my medical training consists of helping others in medical school study internal medicine and a little gross anatomy. Of course, I’ve read copiously from many medical studies and journals to learn more about what makes things tick. I trust the advice of learned associates who are medically trained. Plus, I educate from my life experiences.

I’ve been trained under the Ziglar Legacy program as well as the Choose to Win program stemming from the great motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. I’ve discovered where the positive outlook and goal setting instruments taught within those really shape a more positive outcome with health – when you believe you can do it.

Success for you may just begin right now with identifying your own health problem. Now’s the time you figure out what you want out of your own life and health. Take a moment and write down what your particular health issue is. If it’s weight, write it down on its own sheet of paper. If it’s Cancer, do the same. If you have others, identify those as well on their own sheet.

In my next article, I’m going to give you the next steps to finding better health success leveraging what a doctor may tell you AND natural health.  Meanwhile, be honest with yourself and take the time to identify the health problem(s) which you may face.

Frequently Asked Questions

Natural health means making your own choices about your health and using lifestyle changes, not just pills and surgeries.

People often wait for a serious event, like a bad diagnosis or a loved one’s death, to change their health habits.

Identify your health issues and write them down. Then, look for lifestyle changes and natural solutions along with medical advice.

Doctors give important advice, but natural health means also looking for other ways to improve health.

Combine medical advice with natural health steps to improve your health.

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